Creating a Business, Social Media



One of the great things about blogging is choosing what to write and when to publish.

I am currently writing a lot of stuff on a bunch of things.  I am writing at all different times and inspired by various subjects.  Wordpress allows me to save posts as drafts and publish or polish whenever I want.  Very cool.

For my second post I am  going to start a category on social media and write about how I am going to use it to promote my blog.  I picked Facebook first because it is the one I know best and my main social media platform.

People seem to have a strong opinions on Facebook and what it should be used for.  I remember a world before the internet and social media.  I watched and participated in both as they evolved from virtually nothing to what they are today.

Currently there are over one billion people connected on Facebook. That is more than the combined population of USA, Japan, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Russia and Italy.  It is pretty huge.

In the musical chairs game of technology survival, only a few platforms will survive.  Facebook looks likely to be one of them.

I have a personal facebook page that I have used for many years. Over time I have used it more as tool for networking and communicating.

I love that it allows me to customise my news feed so that it only includes news I am interested in and from sources I want. I also love that intertwined with the news are updates from people I care about. I only follow positive people who are up for things in life.

I get that feed on every device and for me it is one of my primary interfaces with the Internet.

Recently I wanted to separate out my personal facebook identity from  my identity as expressed through this blog.  Sounds metaphysical.

What i had to do was create a separate facebook page, which I manage under my personal login. Doing this really got me to understand how the Facebook commercial model works.

Every time I publish a Blog, I will update my facebook page and everyone who liked that page will be notified of new content.

This means I can create a following from people finding this blog via  Facebook.  I have the same thing set up for twitter.  I am still thinking about Linkedin.  Google SEO is a subject for another day.

If you want any hands on advice about setting up your own FB page, I am happy to contribute, however I would say just jump in and give it a go, it is pretty straight forward.

About this picture

This is a picture I took of a  mural from Venice beach in California.

I discovered it by exploring Venice with a good friend of mine who I connected with on Facebook while I was in Cali.  I love street art and it has a facebook link in the bottom corner.

Although I have never met Mario the Artist from Venice Beach.  I do follow him on Facebook.  Click here to visit Mario from Venice